Words to live by....

Love and Compassion are necessities not luxuries. Without them we cannot survive.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Ode to the Mouse

White mice
on ice
are nice
(snake dinner).
a cat most clever
stuffed black mice;

fake are better.

About every two weeks, you have to be careful about cleaning off the top of the fridge at the Wright's. I learned the hard way (more than once, I have to admit) that those little kleenex-wrapped packages are up there for a reason; who knew cleaning a fridge could cause heart attacks?

Arrowmint (corn snake who has grown a LOT over the years) likes his mice thawed, thank you very much.

I should warn you about the sack on the door rack of the refrigerator freezer, too...it can be rather shocking to open it and find little white mice bodies (fuzzies as they are called) which are destined for the snake buffet.

At our house, the mice are the nice inanimate sort. But they manage to show up in strange places. We keep the toilet seat down now. We think this cat may be part raccoon, at the rate she drowns her mice. This morning Mom found one in her water dish. I discovered it when I went in to brush my teeth. Mom had wrapped the poor little thing in tissue to sop up some of the water.

I wasn't sure what it was at first, but having had several "tissue package encounters" I was very leery about poking around to see what was in there. Sure enough - a mouse.
I was most relieved to see it was BLACK, not white.

We get them at the vet's, 6 at a time, for $3.

The cat has also figured out which cupboard we keep that little sack of mice in, and she haunts the countertop, trying to open that door with her monkey-fingers. At any given time, there are about 4 black mice stashed around the house in her favorite hidey-holes. Very entertaining. And cheap.

Those black mice are worth their weight in gold. They keep this kitty busy and out of other things she shouldn't get into. Mostly.

As you can see, she's all worn out from batting the mouse around and then drowning it...

I wish I could tell you that tummy is from dispatching REAL mice. Nope. Just a fat cat.

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