Words to live by....

Love and Compassion are necessities not luxuries. Without them we cannot survive.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Toy Story

When a new toy calls your name, you should not resist. But I needed to see close up and personal how it worked. Afterall, I have issues with computers - you never can tell how these "toys" communicate...

This is a spiralizer.

A whaatzit?? you ask?

Our friend Linda brought her spiralizer to the Raw-some Potluck so we could all give it a spin. This is what it does to vegtables....
and for "the rest of the story" ala Paul Harvey, you'll have to hop on over to my rawfoods blog


1 comment:

  1. Those are pretty! I'll hop on over to the other sight tomorrow! "TTFN...who-who-who-whooo!"
