Words to live by....

Love and Compassion are necessities not luxuries. Without them we cannot survive.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Chocolate Eggs??

Friend Linda Jennings just introduced me to the most amazing eggs I've ever seen.

You could be tempted to lick them, they are so chocolatey! These are the eggs from FRENCH BLACK COPPER MARAN chickens. Prized and demanded by famous French chefs. Linda hatched some eggs she purchased from Louisiana, and has started her own flock of these beautiful birds.

Here's a guy-Maran....

and a gal-Maran...
and of course then you get BABY Marans!
Linda's hens have just started laying, so the eggs are really varied in size and color. The eggs on the Left are from her girls. The ones on the Right, for contrast, are from another friends' flock of Black Australorps, plus one white "store-bought" egg for fun.

No matter what kind of eggs you get, make sure they are from range chickens. You won't believe the flavor, and the knock-out yolk color! Worth the extra dollars, for quality eggs from healthy birds!

I sure miss our farm flock - Collin's Cluckers are still putting out the eggs, but they just wouldn't be as fresh by the time they could get here from Wisconsin. Sorry, girls, I've found a new supply of hen fruit.


  1. Those are beautiful eggs! I've been getting chicken and duck eggs from my neighbor Deb as of late. They're mostly your standard light brown shells, but always fresh!

  2. Wow! Those really are beautiful eggs! Looks like they've been died in onion skins :-).
