Words to live by....

Love and Compassion are necessities not luxuries. Without them we cannot survive.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Random pieces of my life...

Haven't been out much lately, waiting the past six weeks for this foot to heal enough to toss the crutches - which I did, this week!  Yippee!  Almost back in shoes again...  Anyway, here are some odds and ends to amuse, entertain, and horrify.  I'll put that one last, in consideration of the squeamish...

This little guy is about the size of a quarter - he resides on the top of my "Ikea knock-off" storage shelving.  Pewter.  So cute!  He loves my rock collection.

Becky makes this incredible quinoa salad, filled with all kinds of goodies - red quinoa, fresh pinapple, almonds, edamame, cucumber, cilantro, green onions, yellow and red bell peppers - lucious complex flavors - YUM!  She made a huge bowlful which lasted me almost a week.  Mom didn't care for it, thank goodness.

As kids growing up in Bay City, we rode bikes all over town.  Our HILLY town.  At that time, the main highway was only two blocks away, winding up the hill on through the hilly forest like a snake, to Garibaldi.  I hated that road the first years of high school - we were the first ones to be picked up by the bus, had to sit in the BACK - and I was always carsick.  I think that would be grounds for abuse, these days.
  At any rate, eventually the powers that be made a new, straight almost level, highway section that essentially bypassed our town (not a bad thing, in my humble opinion...), so the old road was seldom used.  Except by local hooligans like the Griffin gang, on their bikes!  Beautiful, fun, and almost private biking. 
 So the last week I had to be pretty much still off the foot, Becky changed shifts with Carrie, bringing her bike.  She didn't have any problem at all getting Chris to take a bike ride on the old road!  They both came back rubber-legged!!  Chris' first bike outing since his knee surgery, poor guy.  That little sister of his was ALWAYS getting the brothers into trouble - according to them.  Ahem.  'Nuff said.

I couldn't believe these tulips that blossomed out of a rescued  clay pot - had no idea there was something in that dirt!  And they managed perfect timing, to show off the blossoming stages...

Speaking of flowers - the poppies are outdoing themselves this year.  Love the fuzzy buds!

THIS is something you have try!  Not slapping your mama - that could be dangerous.  Almost as dangerous as the contents of this carton...

I had a sample at the Food Basket Market in Garibaldi, of this Cajun warmth sprinkled on sweet apple slices.  AWE-SOME.  Of course I got a carton, came home and sliced my apple with great anticipation.  Just so you know - sprinkle it lightly.  I mean LIGHTLY.  As in barely can see it. Definately NOT this much. That Cajun warmth?  I lied.  It's Cajun HEAT!  Zowee!  But the flavor is incredible when you get it right - right after your taste buds grow back...

 Back to flowers.  Flowers are safer.  I love this shot of looking directly down on a rose - pretty cool design, there!

The rose was in this bouquet.  Which is the crown of the Mother's Day floral shop currently residing on our dining room table.  Makes Mom and me feel pretty plush, all that gorgeousness and smelliness surrounding us as we have a meal or trounce each other playing cribbage.  hmmm.  That should be "floral aroma" maybe.  Or "heady honeysuckle scented air".  Not smelliness.  Totally different connotation.

The best thing about this foot surgery - my glorious surprise!  Carrie walked into my bedroom 5 days after I was confined to elevated-footness, totally unexpected!  But oh how wonderful!!!  It's been a long time since she and I had extended time together - you know, kids, hubby, living FAR away...all that stuff interferring with mom/daughter rebonding.  Shortly before she left (after 3 weeks of being my personal sherpa, cook, driver, shoulder-to-cry-on, cribbage partner) we managed a trip to Bar View, where she got to walk the beach and I got to CAREULLY (honest) hobble 10 feet to the edge of the parking area to get a picture of her recreating childhood memories on the beach. Sigh.  Beatiful day, beautiful time, beautiful girl.  Love you, kid!

On another day, different drive, Carrie took this photo out the car window (we were stopped - yes, in the middle of the highway) just as we got to Ocean Side.  Doesn't it just say, "Come visit the breathtaking Oregon coast"??

Random wouldn't be complete without THIS.  Be careful opening drawers around here.  You have to be fast - because within 5 seconds she finds you, claims the drawer, and you're stuck.  If you give up and wander off, she'll soon leave and since you of course forgot that the drawer was hanging open, you can then crack your knee into it as you come back to finish whatever it was that she distracted you from in the first place.  Little wretch.

(I have no idea why some of these are photos are centered and others sliding to the side.  Or why this text is stuck on "centered" now.  Can't get it to move.)

OK, here's the scary one.  Dressing change.  See that little green ball?  It's on the end of what is called "K-wire" - about the diameter of coathanger wire.  IN MY TOE.  Actually, about 5" long, THROUGH the toe.  And beyond.  Dr. D commented,
 "Just like a shish-ka-bob."  Thanks for that visual, doc. 
That wire is why I was down so long.  Directions from Dr. D:  You DO NOT BUMP that. And keep the foot elevated as MUCH AS POSSIBLE.  No walking except to bathroom.  Yessir.  Terrified me.  With good reason.

(Oo-oo!  I think I found the right button!  Playing with this thing is more scarey than my foot.  Still not getting it all where I want it, but give me time, folks. Moved the photo - still arguing with the text...HELP!  Gotta call Becky...)

OK, I give.  Last shot - looks a LOT better, yes?  Silly me, totally forgot to take a pic of the bunion, etc. BEFORE surgery.  So you'll just have to take my word - it is definately better.  Oh - you thought I was referring to the incision - well, it looks better, too.  Yep, just one more zipper on my growing list of maintainance items.  Like mom says - Getting old ain't for sissies.  Not when you have to do things like this, just to be able to walk!

Well, th-th-th-that's all, folks.

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